Imprint | Disclaimer  is an information platform only provided by DIGI-SERVICE & DISTRIBUTION GmbH, Linsellesstraße 142, 47877 Willich, Germany, to display systems, solutions and related features and specifications designed and manufactured by Longier Digital Technologies Co., Ltd., No.1 East Hehai Road, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China. Even DIGI-SERVICE & DISTRIBUTION provides information, further details and consultancy all business transactions will be handled and managed by the end user/customer/local distributor and Longier Digital Technologies. DIGI-SERVICE & DISTRIBUTION GmbH can‘t be made liable for any claim, misunderstanding failure, or whatever related to business relation between end user/customer/local distributor and related to the product anyway rather there has been a written commitment signed. All information provided, machines shown, etc. are based on the information given by Longier Digital Technologies. However, German telecommunication law requires a legal responsible company/person related to content and design. DIGI-SERVICE & DISTRIBUTION GmbH Linsellesstraße 142 47877 Willich HRB 11144 Amtsgericht Krefeld The web site has been settled and is maintained by Wolfgang Hey. All rights reserved. Contact:  phone: +49 2154 937 85 63
Longier Digital Technologies